
Party Panda Pirates

Created by Detestable Games

A family game inspired by Mario Party from the creators of Dodos Riding Dinos | Miniatures | Meeples | Coins | Dexterity | Memory | Fun

Latest Updates from Our Project:

On a steady keel!
9 months ago – Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 04:11:23 AM

Ahoy there, Panda crewmates!

Yesterday we had a blast hearing your ideas for Ivan to sketch and thinking about how to integrate some of them into the game. You can watch the full replay of the video in the previous project update. We will share the sketches as well in a future update.

Official How to Play video

Today we also want to share with you the official How to Play video. If you are not into rulebooks, your gaming group can watch this video and learn the base rules in just 3.5 minutes.

The Dice Tower will also have a gameplay video tomorrow for you all to see!

Stretch Goals

We are getting VERY close to unlock the different colored miniatures and reveal a second batch of Stretch Goals. So let's talk a little bit about what you have unlocked!

  •  4 additional Party cards (that's currently a total of 16 minigames in the base game). Please note that the art in the graphic is just for placeholder purposes. Ivan is working everyday in creating new art.
  •  Component upgrades such as linen finish for the cards and marbled effect on the dice.
  •  Gameplay content to include unique player powers for the captain you play with and to have a slightly different side of the Sea board.

So let's talk about the last two:

Panda Captains

Your game (standard and deluxe) will include character cards. If you have the deluxe version, you will get the miniatures for these. There has been some speculation in the comments about all 6 popular pirates in which these are based. Ivan drew inspiration from these:

  • Ren from Pirates of Dark Water
  • Monkey D. Luffy from One Piece 
  • Captain Hook from Peter Pan
  • Cap'n Crunch from the cereal
  • Miss Fortune from League of Legends
  • Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean

So now that you know, what do you think would be a cool Panda name for them? Let us know in the main comment section!

Islands on Avian Archipelago

What’s a party for these panda pirates? Every activity, even mundane ones can become a fun one for them. Some take place in their turtle ship. Others take place on islands with their inhabitants and their activities. One can only imagine the fun twist that these party panda pirates could give to an island where dinosaurs and dodos race together, or an island where chickens build war machines, or even an island plentiful in fruit where kiwi push each other…

If you are familiar with our past titles, you might have already noticed that the game board features the islands from Dodos Riding Dinos, War for Chicken Island and Kiwi Chow Down.

But what about the other side of the game board? There you can see 6 new islands from Avian Archipelago. These are ideas we have for themes of future games. But for now, they are just part of the flavor and art of Party Panda Pirates.

So the next time you see a bird in one of the Party cards, try to guess which is its home island.

We will be talking more about these islands and their denizens in the future, but for now let us know in the general comment section which island intrigues you the most? 

A fellow pirate-theme project we love!

BLACKBEARD's Compass: The Mystery Escape Room in Your Hands!

Introducing the Blackbeard’s Compass – a brand new puzzle box, that brings escape room experiences and opens the way to pirate adventures!
  Inspired by the legendary Captain Blackbeard himself, this wooden marvel is said to lead to the fabled Queen Anne’s Revenge.

Blackbeard's Compass includes a labyrinth of riddles and new interesting mechanics: intricate rope knots, decoding of the treasure map, and even a working compass to steer your way! 

Check out the project here 


Yo ho Yo ho, A Panda's life for me!

Art livestream and naming the minigames
9 months ago – Tue, Dec 12, 2023 at 07:56:22 AM

Ahoy there, Panda Crewmates!

We ARRR just loooooving the comment section with all the jokes, mini games ideas and friendly conversation! Keep it coming!! We will feature in a future project update some of the jokes so they are not lost in the comment section.

Today's update is a short one, and tomorrow we will talk more about Stretch Goals! Can we unlock the first batch of stretch goals and get those different colored miniatures before tomorrow's update?? Use our personal referral link to invite more people to join the parrrrty!!

We'll start with a friendly reminder to join us in today's Art livestream.

Starting time was pushed one hour to 11am Central Time (that's about an hour from now).

 If you do join, feel free to request some ideas for Ivan to draw (he reserves the right to pick which ones). Also, you can ask me any questions about the game and Kickstarter campaign!

If you are not able to join, you should still be able to watch the replay. 

Name the minigames! 

Would you like to see your name in the credits?

We have created some Google Forms with the minigames' art and proposed names from the gamedevs. You can either vote for the one you like the most, or if you have an idea for a better one, propose it and if it gets selected, your name will appear in the game rulebook!

The first Google Form has been live for the past week but here's a second one with 6 new mini games —and you can still access the first one here if you hadn't seen it.

More will be posted soon! We will let you know through project updates! 

And speaking of names... how about suggesting some name ideas in the general comment section for the captain miniatures and the turtle ship?

Entering into the 2nd week
9 months ago – Mon, Dec 11, 2023 at 09:41:03 AM

Ahoy there panda crewmates! We've been sailing with a favorable tide almost for a sennight.

You have been unlocking stretch goals every night and we are getting closer to unlock those coveted colored miniatures! Once we do, a new stage of stretch goals will be unlocked.

ARRR! Can't wait to see the miniatures in different colors in real life!

As we enter the 2nd week, we have some activities where you all can participate, have fun and help the campaign get more attention (therefore, more backers and stretch goals!)

Art livestream

Tomorrow, (Dec 12th) we will be hosting a livestream at 10:00 am Central Time / Mexico time in this link.

Watch Ivan Escalante—the talented illustrator for this and past games in the Creature Kingdoms series—draw live any backer requests while I answer any backer questions related to the project.

We will be live for 1 hour and the replay will be available at the same YouTube link (and in our Facebook fanpage).

Would you like to see your favorite fictional character adapted as a Panda Pirate? Or maybe you have a cool idea for the art of a mini game card. Join us tomorrow!

Community Goals

Unlock more mini-games by helping us raise awareness of this project in a fun way!

We just LOVE to offer community goals in our projects for the Creature Kingdoms community. You all are such a lively community! 

We are starting with just a few challenges but as you complete them, we will be offering more and more!

The first 4 include:

  •  Share this pinned post from Detestable Games fanpage in Facebook
  • Keep the conversation active every day in the comment section! (Share a pirate joke, a panda pun, an idea for a minigame, a suggestion for stretch goals and community goals, guess which fictional pirates were the inspiration for the miniatures, or just go to say hi).
  •  Edit your Kickstarter proflie name to include the words 'backing Party Panda Pirates' at the end
  •  Tag @johnnydepp in this Instagram post from Draco Studios.

Referral Party! 

This is something we did at Draco Studios 5 years ago when we were crowdfunding War for Chicken Island and would like to do it again!

As creators, we are working hard to promote this project every day! With some surprises coming such as a gameplay for Party Panda Pirates in the Dice Tower Winter Spectacular and another from BoardGameCo.

As a backer, your word-of-mouth recommendation is even more effective, and with a crew of 1500+ backers, you really can create BIG waves to propel the campaign even more!

Now that we are entering into the 2nd week, we are more than happy to reward you for every backer who pledge using a personal referral link of yours. Here's how it works:

So if you already wanted to start a conversation in a Facebook group, subreddit, or just messaging a friend, let us know first and request a referral link so you can use that one!


That's all for now! We will post a friendly reminder tomorrow before the art livestream starts, we hope you can join us! 

— Yo Ho Yo Ho, A Panda's Life for Me!

Set Sail!
9 months ago – Wed, Dec 06, 2023 at 08:14:42 PM

Anchor Aweigh!  Hoist the mainsail!  Grab a bottle of rumbow juice and let's set sail to an unforgettable Kickstarter party!

Ahoy there, Panda crewmates!

It is incredible to be back on Kickstarter with such an enthusiastic community! 

Yesterday, you got this game funded in 1 hour. Yo ho ho!!

... and now you already unlocked the first 3 stretch goals


If you are new to Kickstarter, you will learn that, typically, as the funding goal is exceeded, extra funds are re-invested to improve the games you are receiving. 

You already unlocked two component upgrades and a new mini game!

Therefore, we will unlock more stretch goals as more backers join into the campaign.

So sit back, relax, and enjoy the — 

... ... ... 

Oh wait! That's for a different game theme.

Because this one is about a festive crew with the name being:


Party Panda Pirates!




During the next 16 days we have several activities planned for you, including:

  •  Community Goals – To unlock even more mini games in addition to those of stretch goals
  •  Art creation livestreams – Where your wildest ideas for panda pirates can be sketched
  •  Surveys and forms – To help us shape the final product and appear in the game credits
  •  Gameplay livestreams – To interact with us and ask us anything during a live playthrough
  •  Referral party – An optional way for you to get complimentary credit to spend in add-ons

We will talk more about each of these tomorrow. 

For now, we leave you with a new preview video by Professor Meg from BoardGameCo. 

You can click here or in the image below. Don't forget to click the like (thumbs up) button if you are logged in, that will help increase exposure on the platform. 

Click to see full preview video!

Thank you once again for joining us at the very start of this voyage. Your support means the world to us at Draco Studios and Detestable Games.

—Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Panda's Life for me!