
Party Panda Pirates

Created by Detestable Games

A family game inspired by Mario Party from the creators of Dodos Riding Dinos | Miniatures | Meeples | Coins | Dexterity | Memory | Fun

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Smoke test for pledge manager sent!
7 months ago – Tue, Feb 20, 2024 at 05:33:49 AM

Ahoy mates! 

Sorry for the long wait, we were lost in wild uncharted waters but we are back! We had quite of a rollecoaster here with our baby Panda and her surgery, thankfully was a success but the recovery was quite a challenge. Definitely was set to hard mode. But, all that was left behind and we are back! 

What has happened during this time? We received some samples from the components, the metal coins, the wooden meeples, the plastic minis, the eyepatches, and the plushie! 

Some of the minigames designers in Guadalajara were able to try the game with some of the samples and they agree that it feels more epic to play with the hat (add-on) and other deluxified components!

We also have finished layout of the rules (ENGLISH)!! If you would like beta access to check them out and help us proofreading so that the final game to be as polished and clear as possible, please post in the comments of this project update "I would like beta access to the rules!" 


Pledge manager coming! 

The time has come and the pledge manager is here! We are sending the smoke test today, and with it, a random 5% of backers will receive their surveys. Please let us know if you see something odd that we need to change!

24 hours after the smoke test is sent, the rest of the backers will receive their surveys and you will be able to add, upgrade, change tiers, add your shipping information and choose your preferred language - English or Spanish. 

We know many of you have backed several Kickstarter projects and are quite related with Backerkit, if this is your case, please scroll down to surprises, if this is your first campaign please see the following images to see what to expect: 

First, you will receive an email that your survey is ready and when clicked, you will be taken to this page. Here you can choose to change your pledge level if wanted. 

Before moving to the addons and pledge, some questions (depending on your tier pledge) will be asked. Please answer them and click "Next". 

On the add-ons section you can add any extras either extra copies of your game, the eyepatches and hat, plushies, etc. Please ignore the shipping cost here, it will be updated once you add your ahipping information in the next window. 

For the first time! We are offering "Expedite shipping", you can add it as an add-on an receive the games we already have in stock! It is 10USD and we subsidize the rest! 

Also in the add-ons,  we included the cloth bag as an optional add-on and will include it for FREE in the deluxe plus tier (the one that includes the captain hat and eyepatches to become a true pirate). 

After adding your addons and confirming your order, you will be asked to add your shipping address. 

Local Pickup - Español - Para México: 
Si eres de México y quieres recoger tu pedido en alguna tienda u oficina. Lo primero que hay que hacer es agregar tu nombre, la tienda donde quieres recogerlo, ciudad y estado y en país por favor poner Local Pickup, NO México. 
De igual manera, si conoces a alguno de los diseñadores del juego y quieres recoger tu copia con ellos, sólo debes incluir su nombre entre parentesis despues del tuyo y seleccionalr Local pickup.

Importante para local pickup en México: Existe una tarifa de 5 dolares por gastos de importación.  

After confirming your shipping address, shipping will be adjusted and you will be asked to add your payment information. 

And that's it! You need to see the window above so your pledge is confirmed in our records. 


Just to remember what we have mentioned! 

The cloth bag was added as an optional add-on and included for FREE in the deluxe plus tier (the one that includes the captain hat and eyepatches to become a true pirate)

Remember that if funds raised on the pledge manager for add-ons or upgrades (not shipping or VAT) exceeds $30,000 we will also add a new Party card to the game!! Bringing the total to 24 minigames!
Consider upgrading your pledge to the Deluxe plus tier or getting some of the add-ons that you like the most!

Expedite shipping is offered for the first time, if you want to receive the games we already have in stock sooner, please add it to your order. It costs 10USD and we will subsidize the rest. 

New Kickstarter campaign!

Detestable Games and Draco Studios joined forces and Dracostable was born! We are debuting this new alliance with a localization campaign for the game Sea Dragons! 


Join the Jellop newsletter! 

This project was promoted by Jellop to help us reach more backers. Including being featured on their First Backer Newsletter where they share about new Kickstarter projects. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, you can join their newsletter by clicking in the image below.

That's it! See you in the next update!

End of campaign
9 months ago – Sat, Dec 23, 2023 at 02:46:54 PM

Ahoy there, Panda crewmates!

Our beloved turtle ship has made landfall after a glorious journey on the open waters of Kickstarter!

THANK YOU!! 3650 backers in the Panda crew! What a beautiful number. 

It has been an exciting campaign and we are ready to take start the next stage of this project. Wrapping development and start prepress with our chosen manufacturing partner: Panda GM!

In fact, we have started working with them already and we are making fast progress with the miniatures in an attempt to deliver ahead of time. 

Miniature PU Sample

We are working to finalize the minigames art, writing, editing and graphic layout and might be able to start file verification with the factory to kick off the new year!

In the previous update we promised a surprise... how about 3 surprises?!

During the last day of the campaign, we saw incredible teamwork to achieve all the community goals and unlock all 3 bonus Party cards!

You were also very close to unlock the $180,000 stretch goal for a new mini game... so as an extra token of our gratitude you can consider it unlocked!! 

That brings the total Party cards count to 23.... but we want to make it an even 24 ... and we also want so badly to give you the cloth bag to store your metal coins as a true pirate.

  • So we will include the cloth bag as an optional add-on in the pledge manager and will include it for FREE in the deluxe plus tier (the one that includes the captain hat and eyepatches to become a true pirate). 
  • And we will add a final Stretch Goal to include a Party card (for a total of 24 minigames) if funds raised on the pledge manager for add-ons or upgrades (not shipping or VAT) exceeds $30,000.

Next year that you receive your survey in the pledge manager, consider upgrading your tier to the 'Deluxe plus' or including some add-ons to unlock the final Party Stretch Goal! We are sure you can do it!

What's next? / What's a pledge manager?

For those who are not familiar with Kickstarter, here's what you should do or expect in the next weeks:

  •  Kickstarter will process payments this week and will deposit funds to our account in 2 weeks. Backers with errored pledges must fix their payment (more about that below) within the next 7 days after the campaign ends.
  • We will finish setting up our chosen Pledge Manager (Backerkit) to send your surveys in around 8 weeks. Here, you will be able to add extra items such as the cloth bag or upgrade to a higher tier   with the same pricing that was offered on Kickstarter. But most importantly to let us know where to send your rewards when production is ready by the end of next year (possibly sooner) As well as pay for shipping fees and VAT (where applicable). 

In case you know someone who missed the campaign, we will accept late pledges until fulfillment starts. Our backers always get the best deals, so late pledges don't have access to the bundle pricing in the Kickstarter tiers, but can still get any items separately. (Note that this is different from upgrading your pledge if you are in the $1 tieror another tier, which gets you access to upgrade your pledge to the bundled pricing).

You can share this link to your friends if they ask:

Errored pledges

If you had issues from Kickstarter charging your credit or debit card, (you can tell if you received an e-mail about it) follow this steps:

  • On a web browser (not in the app) go to and log into your account.
  • You will see a red banner at the top of the website saying you have an errored pledge. Click on "Fix Payment" 
  • Enter card details and proceed.

Most of the times, especially for foreign countries, you need to try a couple times until it works (A backer reported that it worked on the 5th attempt). Other cards require a digital PIN.

If the issue persists after multiple attempts, identify if there's another problem: 

  • 1. Your card has insufficient funds: Transfer funds to it. 
  • 2. Another Kickstarter project you backed ended on the same day: Your bank blocked the card for security by thinking it was a duplicated charge. 
  • 3. Your card is incompatible with Kickstarter US charge hub: Try using a different card (yours or from a friend)

Backers with errored pledges have 7 days to fix it and Kickstarter will automatically retry at the end of the 7-day window. If you are not able to fix it within that time, your pledge will be automatically marked as dropped. Don't worry, you will still have 2 opportunities to fix it in th pledge manager:

  • The first will be when we send the surveys (in about 8 weeks). 
  • The next will be some months after the surveys are sent, once we enable PayPal.

We are here to provide support. Rest assured that your pledge info is still on record and you will have some opportunities to fix payment in the future. However, it is better to fix the payment in Kickstarter so that you still receive the project updates directly.

Help us name the minigames!

The party keeps going! You can check the new survey to help us vote or suggest names for the minigames!

The new survey (third one) is here!

In case you missed the previous two (perhaps because you joined at the end of the campaign) here are the first and second.

Happy Holidays!

On behalf of everyone at Draco Studios and Detestable Games, we want to thank you for your amazing support and wish you all the best for this holiday season. 

May your holiday be filled with treasures of joy and merriment, as bountiful as the loot in a pirate's chest! But most importantly, we hope you gather with your family and friends and create fond memories with your crew.

Happy Holidays!!

Land Ho! Party Ho!
9 months ago – Thu, Dec 21, 2023 at 04:01:49 PM

Ahoy there, Panda Crew!

We are in the last hours of the campaign but that only means that the Navigation phase of this party is finishing. The party will continue even a bit after the games are fulfilled! 

  • 14 stretch goals + 2 social goals unlocked 

You can help us unlock a new Party card by completing the last 3 challenges in the social goals!

  •  Share this pinned post from Detestable Games fanpage in Facebook. Just 14 more to go!
  • Comment in the general comment section! (Share a pirate joke, a panda pun, an idea for a minigame, or anything else. We are at 645 comments and the goal is 750!
  •  Edit your Kickstarter proflie name to include the words 'backing Party Panda Pirates' at the end. We need 100 to achieve this goal.

Become a true pirate

Early during development, our goal was to create a paper pirate hat included in all copies of the game to replace the small cardboard captain marker with something more unique. Our tests led to feeble hats and we decided to create this as epic as it deserved with cloth material and with an elastic band so that kids or adults could use it. Playtesters really liked the idea of using an actual hat. 

Later in development, we discussed about minigames that required players to close one eye. It was clear to us that this should be possible with pirate eyepatches. While there are no minigames that require players to close an eye anymore, we think this could add an extra challenge for players if all of them use an eyepatch. Or provide an advantage when playing with kids, with adults wearing an eyepatch.

Concept art for the Red Panda Pirate Boatswain Plushie by Ivan Escalante

In the deluxe plus tier, your group can become true pirates with these items. One epic pirate hat and 6 eyepatches. In addition, it includes a small panda pirate plushie that we know you will love. 

If this sounds fun to you, we invite you to upgrade your pledge to include any of those add-ons (or switch to the Deluxe plus tier to benefit from bundle savings) and that will also help towards stretch goals during the last hours!

While the pictures above are just concept art, we are sure the final hat, eyepatches and plushie will be fantastic because we are working with Panda Game Manufacturing for this Panda-themed game, and they always translate our concept ideas beyond our expectations and with the best production quality!

A solution to display and store all your miniatures!

If you plan to paint your minis and would like to display them at home or just have easy access for crossover character cards among the Avian Trilogy games (Dodos Riding Dinos, War for Chicken Island, and Kiwi Chow Down), then you may want to check this storage/display solution from our friends at Draco Forge.

If you would like to keep the minis from the games in separate levels, then a V model would be more than enough for your whole Creature Kingdoms collection. And you can align that with your games standing vertically. Thanks to the lid we include in our plastic inserts, the components should stay organized.

You can check the project here. It is also ending in a few hours!


We are so grateful that our community from past games is joining us in this new adventure. If you are a returning backer, thank you for your continuous support! If you are a new backer, then we welcome you and you can expect loyalty rewards in future campaigns from the Creature Kingdoms series!

The most common question in the comments is whether to add the items that are loyalty rewards here on Kickstarter or not. Please refrain from adding the loyalty rewards here on Kickstarter, we will add them automatically on the pledge manager to your order. If you add them on Kickstarter, you will get them duplicated in the pledge manager. 


That's all for now!! We will be back on Friday or Saturday with a final update for the year and surprises! There are rumors about an additional Party card to be unlocked... The Kickstarter might be ending soon but the party keeps going! 

Yo ho Yo ho, A Panda's life for me!

Sailing into the last week!
9 months ago – Sun, Dec 17, 2023 at 06:16:04 AM

Ahoy Panda crew!

We are sailing into the last week and you have unlocked 11 Stretch Goals until now! Included on the standard and deluxe version we have 5 new mini games, double sided board, player powers, linen finish and marbled dice! Included only on the Deluxe version - spot UV, thicker board and colored miniatures. Your games now come with 17 mini games, let's unlock more! Remember that more Party cards can be unlocked through community goals.

A few days ago, the team at The Dice Tower had a blast playing Party Panda Pirates! I personally loved when they played the mini game Confetti Cannonballs, I laughed a lot, and I even identified myself with Camilla and her flicking dexterity. That one is played simoultaneously, but it was nice to see them taking turns haha.

In case it doesn't open exactly where they are playing, they played at 02:54:31. 

Don't forget your referral link to help us invite more people to the party! 

Your word-of-mouth recommendation is even more effective, and with a crew of 2400+ backers, you really can create BIG waves to propel the campaign even more!

Here's how it works:  

Start a conversation in a Facebook group, subreddit, or just messaging a friend, let us know first and request a referral link so you can use that one!

 Social goals

We are so close to reach one of the social goals, 100 fans on Board Game Geek, log into your account and click on the heart button. Your help here means the world (the seas?) to us because it will help us stay on the Hotness list, we are on the place 40, could we go higher?  

Go to BoardGame Geek here!

Help us reach the top 10 by leaving comments in the photos, forums, etc. 

RAGE - Roll a Game Expo 2023 

This weekend, 16th and 17th of December, we have a booth at the RAGE expo in Guadalajara. Come and visit us to take a look and play all the games from the Creature Kingdoms' universe! 

The final race for the International Dodosaurus cup will take place here, winners from Gen Con and Peru flew all the way here to dash for that prize! 

Yan from Mariachi Meeple did and outstanding job with the Diorama of Dodos Riding Dinos! 

Best of luck to the competitors!  


Entering wild uncharted waters with new Stretch Goals on sight!
9 months ago – Thu, Dec 14, 2023 at 06:39:53 AM

 Ahoy, Pandas!

We are in the middle of the second week and shiver Me Timbers! The coloured miniatures were unlocked + 16 mini games in total at the moment! Thank you everyone for the unconditional support and trust. New Stretch goals on sight and I honestly have 2 favorites, let's check them out!  

I'm all in for plushies, backers from Dodo Dash won't let me lie, my little girl gave her first steps holding the baby dodos plushies (pre-production and mass-production copies), and thinking about the crab plushie on my hat makes me smile. Let's Bring a Spring Upon ‘er and unlock more mini games! Also, I reaaaaaally need that bag of coins for my loot! 

Arya joined the crew of Black Beard and had fun tasting Cheerios for the first time!

Some of you have been asking about a Gameplay video and a few days ago, BoardGameCo shared theirs: 

 Here's the link in case you missed it

Let us know your thoughts in the comments section of the video! Your help means the world to us. 

And we are on the hotness list from BoardGame Geek! Help us climb on the ranking by sharing some comments and liking us here

We did our first livestream with Ivan Escalante and we had a blast, my personal favorite was the Red Panda Ursula, I want that as a plushie - or maybe an expansion with a krakenPanda?  (Just dropping ideas)  

If you missed this livestream do not worry, we will have another one before the campaign ends on the 22nd (probably on the 21st, time to be determined). Also, if you have any suggestion let us know and we will bring it up during the livestream. 

The comment section has been on fire with the pirates jokes and we decided to share a few in the updates: 

- What's a pirate's favorite letter? You would think it's R, but in fact it's the C This one made me laugh a lot once I understand it haha (Will explained it) if you are like me R = arrrr but no, is C = sea. 

- Why couldn't the pirates play the cards? Because the captain was standing on the deck... Arrrrrr

Aye, Aye hearties! Until next update!